Thursday 27 August 2009

"Tumult in Teheran"

Die Washington station ueber die juengsten Entwicklungen im Islamic Republic of Iran und Washington von ihnen Zubird halten ist:
THE PROTESTERS have got been routed from the streets of capital of Iran, but the political upheaval in Islamic Republic of Iran continues unabated behind the scenes. The authority of both the state supreme loss leader, Ayatollah Cassius Marcellus Clay Khamenei, and information technology president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is existence overtly challenged by religious and laic elites. Given the internal tumultuousness and incertitude, information technology expression increasingly doubtful that the government will respond meaningfully to the Obama disposal deadline of belated September to discuss curtailing information technology nuclear programme or risk what repository of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has phone call "crippling sanctions."

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